Wednesday, June 25, 2008


My daughter is totally obsessed with Webkinz. She now has a grand total of 15 of them. For those of you out there that don't know what Webkinz are they are beanie baby looking animals that come with a code that you enter on the computer to "adopt" you pet. You then decorate its room(s), feed it, clothe it and play with it. You can earn "Kinzcash" to pay for all of the online stuff by playing their games (which, I must confess, are pretty addictive). This is all virtual so you don't actually get any of the stuf (except the little stuffed animal). Everyday Abby has to do "dailies." These include, but are not limited to, spinning the Wheel of Wow, checking to see if her pets need fed, do the wishing well and mine for gems at the curio shop.
When Abby acquired a Webkinz Cocker Spaniel she was trying to think of a name for it. She thought for awhile as we walked out of the store. "I know," she exclaimed, "I'll call him Cock!" I calmly said, "Umm, no." "Why?" she asked, "It's short for Cocker Spaniel." That it is, however, I delicatly explained to her that it could mean something else that is not so nice. She settled for Butterscotch!


Doug and Sarah said...

cute picture of Abby!